Family Discipleship

  • Patterns: Sacrifice

    God has designed an incredible opportunity for relational category after category to be built through the relationships we share in our families. ...
  • Patterns: Devotion

    Devotion When Jesus redeemed his people at the cross, he paid full price. And when he bought us with his blood, he bought not a part, but the who...
  • Patterns: Righteousness

    Big, mighty, great, all-knowing. We describe God in these ways when teaching our kids about the Lord. But what about his character? Is he good? ...
  • Patterns: Feeding On God's Word

    Feeding On God's Word Our souls were created by God, for God, to feed on the knowledge of him. He gave us his Word as food for the soul, packed wi...
  • Patterns: Acknowledging God

    Acknowledging God This one seems simple, too obvious, really. You might say that we all know how to acknowledge God in daily living. But I am con...
  • Patterns: Forgiveness

    Forgiveness Question for you, mamas. If someone were to spend a day in the life of your home, what would she say marks the atmosphere there?Does ...
  • The Importance Of Talking About Everything

    The world is messy, and it's our job to introduce our children to it.The task is no small thing, interpreting and explaining the actions of peopl...
  • Patterns: Repentance

    Repentance What was the message of Christ as he began his earthly ministry? "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17 One thi...