A look into our home.
This space reflects the overflow of our own home, so a look into our values and beliefs may be helpful.

Our beliefs
In our home, we rejoice in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We rejoice in God's holiness, his merciful care, his righteous judgment, his willing death to atone for sin, his glorious resurrection from the dead, and his sovereignly saving grace. So much more can, of course, be said.
We are reformed and Baptist, and with the exception of a few tenets, we hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.
Our values
We prioritize daily family worship and a life built around the Word. We are not perfect in our commitment to this, but we are committed, nonetheless. We know that faith comes from hearing, and that by his Spirit, God's active Word is the means he uses to sanctify and keep us to the end.
We cherish being truly together with our children, as not all time spent together is equal. We value every rhythm, habit, and tradition that draws parents and children to truly attend to God's world together, be it a meal, home task, project, service, or recreation. This truly living together gives opportunity for a rich conversational life, and better, a life where the truth we believe is proven true in their eyes.
We love and strive to build up the local church. Discipling our children to Christ means discipling them to that which he loves, the Bride for whom he died. We gladly view our regular gathering with the church and lives of shared mission with our brothers and sisters as nonnegotiables. It's the life that Jesus died to save us for - life together with him in his family. And the gates of hell will not prevail against his church.
We love music and singing in our home. We believe that a people needs a song, as a nation has an anthem, or an army has a choir that heartens its men in battle. We believe we should give our children enduring melodies and words to fill their childhood memories. We want to see families built up in a culture of singing together.
We value education from a classical Christian approach. We count it an honor to help form our children's souls to love all that is found in Christ - what is true, what is righteous, what is beautiful - true wisdom and virtue. We hope to equip our children to see God's glory in the order and beauty of the world he's created and to move through it according to Christ, the logos.