Motherhood Journal

  • Entry No. 06: The Stewardship Of A Hundred Daily Conversations

    One key aspect of mothering is the stewarding of a hundred daily conversations. It's the ministry of listening, the art of receiving their ideas a...
  • Motherhood Journal No. 05

    When we think of “work,” by and large, what we think of is productivity in the marketplace. Actual work is equated with producing something outsi...
  • Motherhood Journal No. 04

    Quick story time.Child #2 has been waking up unnecessarily early these past few weeks. One morning this week, he awoke from his sweet slumber at ...
  • Entry No. 03: The School of Motherhood

    After I graduated from seminary a few years ago, I was nearly certain that I would not go back to school. That chapter of my life had been complet...
  • Entry No. 02: A River Moving Godward

    Recently, while on an evening walk with our families, my friend and I reflected on memory. We live a whole lifetime, but recall such a small port...
  • Entry No. 01: Mothering For the Last Day

        I watch from the kitchen as my 11 month old scampers on all fours toward the barricaded doorway to the garage. He had recently taken his fir...