Our Family Rhythm Weekly Spread

One major obstacle I faced in the first years of motherhood was the complete open canvas that was each full day and week I spent in the home. The open-ended nature of this work lent to days and tasks blending into one another, and the lack of structure stole from a sense of productivity and purpose in our home.

My ever growing and changing kids and I, alike, felt the need for rhythm. 

Though I've grown toward "planner" personality tendencies, I also hold a high value for flexibility and open-handedness in life's goings on. Thus, this little weekly spread was created - a block system of expected rhythms in our home (but nothing to be married to!). A system of ordered living, but something to deviate from when in God's providence, other needs or opportunities come along.

You can access our editable "Our Family Rhythms" Weekly Spread Template here.

A few considerations I've used in building out our weekly spread:
  • Determine whose schedule this weekly spread will capture.
    Will the spread capture all of dad's activities? All of mom's? How much detail should your weekly spread incorporate?
    Since my husband has his own work calendar in operation, we use our spread to capture whole family activities, mom-kid activities, and mom's responsibilities. (See example)
  • Make a list of activities, starting from the ones that are most set in stone, to least.
    For example, under my list for most set in stone: family meals, family worship, bedtime routines. Then would follow things like: errands, play dates, adventures, chore rotations.
  • Consider what time blocks make the most sense in your home.
    What time does your home get up and running? When do things settle down? How long are your AM1 and AM2 blocks?
  • What activities would you like to do together with your children? What tasks are better done separately?
  • What activities or tasks recur daily vs. vary or alternate each day of the week?
  • Don't worry about timing out all of your activities, but rather focus on the time blocks they will live in.
    Once that time block has passed, you can compartmentalize those activities and focus on what's reserved for the next time block.
  • As the seasons change, your family's needs and obligations will change as well.
    Make room and change it up for changes. that may arise like greater hospitality, involvement at church, need to scale back and focus on time with the kids, etc.
After thinking through some of these considerations, frame up your time blocks and start plugging in your activities! I pray this tool encourages delightful rhythms of living in your home.

Our summer 2023 example below: